Monday, 28 September 2020

How to manage account microsoft billing?

 A billing account is created when you sign up to try or buy Microsoft products. You use your billing account to manage your account settings, invoices, payment methods, and purchases. You can have access to multiple billing accounts. For example, you signed up for Microsoft 365 directly, or you have access to your organization's Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft Product & Services Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. For each of these scenarios, you would have a separate billing account.

The Microsoft 365 admin center currently supports the following type of billing accounts:

  • Microsoft Online Services Program: This billing account is created when you sign up for a Microsoft 365 subscription directly.
  • Microsoft Products & Services Agreement (MPSA) Program: This billing account is created when your organization signs an MPSA Volume Licensing agreement to purchase software and online services.
  • Microsoft Customer Agreement: This billing account is created when your organization works with a Microsoft representative, an authorized partner, or purchases independently.

Understand billing account details

The top of the Billing accounts detail page is your account profile and contains legal and tax information about your organization. You can update your profile to change your legal address and phone number. This account is the legal entity that pays for the products that you purchase.

Shpping addresses

This section lists the shipping addresses associated with your billing account. When you make a purchase, you can use this address to identify where your purchase is shipped or used. The shipping address is editable. You can add a shipping address or update the existing address. This address is used to determine the tax rate for your purchase.

Understand access to billing accounts

You can provide others with access to the billing account in the Microsoft 365 admin center through roles and permissions. Only an Account Microsoft Billing owner can grant access to a billing account. You can assign one of the following roles to users:

  • Billing account owner — Can assign permissions, edit accounts, sign agreements, and view accounts.
  • Billing account contributor — Can edit accounts, sign agreements, and view accounts.
  • Billing account reader — Can view accounts.
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